Harmony in Imperfection: Embracing the Musical Journey of Growth and Self-Discovery 🌟🎵

"Music can change the world because it can change people." - Bono

Hey beautiful Reader 🎶

I'm curious - Where are you at on your personal journey with music? What's your current relationship with sound? Do you have musical dreams?

Are you rediscovering the magic of singing and playing, like reconnecting with childhood dreams?

Are you a seasoned pro navigating the twists and turns, feeling the need to reignite that inner spark?

Perhaps you envision using music for healing, dream of recording an album, or aspire to grace the stage with your performance.

Or, maybe you're thinking, 'I'm a terrible singer or musician, and I have no business being on this journey at all.'

Hit reply and let me know.

The path of music is this wonderfully unpredictable and often non-linear ride. After losing my voice for 1.5 years back in 2016, my journey of reclaiming my voice was all about the healing power of music, using melodies and mantras as medicine for the soul. Music is such a powerful balm for shifting our vibrations and our mental and emotional state.

And it's an evolving journey. For the past several years, music has been an incredibly personal exploration. Nowadays, I am coming out of my shell a bit more, finding more and more confidence to speak up. Letting myself be heard, taking up space, and owning my voice.

In that process, I've started teaching a regular weekly vocal activation and sound healing class at the world-famous Yoga Barn in Bali (come visit sometime!). It has invited me to share my journey, process, and voice more and more.

Being invited more and more to perform in various festivals and concerts is pushing me into being more visible and, consequently, more judgable. And with this, the opportunities and challenges that have become monumental for my growth.

As I dive deeper into the delicate dance of being seen and owning my musicality, I have to admit, that it's both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. This tension is my catalyst for honing my skills on the harmonium, guitar, and percussion—I'm practicing with more heart than ever. While there's always more practice, I often feel I "should" be doing, I am celebrating my progress and every time I show up in the face of fear and resistance and that small voice that still wants me to believe that I'm not good enough. Shhhhh.

Because here's the thing—I still feel very much on the vocal awakening journey. From where I sit (sing?) a few years of dedicated intention in this vocal area, I can tell you every note, every stumble, is a part of the beautiful, messy symphony that is the musical journey. From tentative steps to confident strides, every time you show up to practice, your joy, confidence, and skill have the capacity to deepen, and with that, your sense of liberation in expressing yourself can come through more.

So, I ask you again: How has your musical journey been unfolding, and what dreams are you nurturing in the world of sound?

Looking forward to hearing your melody, and remember that i'm always here to support you in going deeper.

With Infinite Peace, Love & Gratitude 🤗❤️




There's less than a month before our Bali Retreat, and there's no promise that I will ever run this event again. If you are feeling the call, NOW is the time to Join.

Are you a Yogi, Teacher, or Creative feeling blocked from expressing your true, most authentic self? Are you ready to feel more confident sharing your creativity and taking up space? 🧘‍♂️🎨🌌

Embodied Resonance is a 5-Day Soul-Nourishing Seaside Retreat in one of the magical locations in Bali🌊✨

Journey into the Art of Empowered Expression this December 4-8th, with Vocal Luminary Francie La Flow, resident Yoga & Voice facilitator the Yoga Barn, one of the world's leading centers for Self-Discovery and Transformation 🎶🌟

This retreat is for you if you’re:

➤ Craving some time away from your busy life to cultivate space to dream, create, and connect

➤ Yearning to liberate your voice and express yourself more clearly🗣️💫

➤ Battling with the worthiness wound or feeling a lack of confidence in your voice and self-expression 🤔💔

➤ Feeling disconnected from yourself, from joy and play, and feel the call to reclaim your inner child 🎉👶

➤ Ready to deepen your musical journey and tap into the healing power of your own voice? 🎵✨

This unforgettable Experience designed to help you:

🌟 Reconnect, reset, and rejuvenate in a stunning natural paradise with like-minded people

🌟 Resolve stuck emotions so you can release blocks to expression

🌟 Find your flow on and off the mat, unleash the power of your voice & awaken your inner magic

🌟 Feel inspired and supported with songs, practices, and techniques to help you rest in your joy, creativity, and expression

🌟 Cultivate confidence, self-worth, and alignment for your daily life

🌟 Align & Shine so you can feel empowered, alive, centered, open, and liberate

It’s time to let your True Self Shine! Time is ticking! Save your Space now for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. 🕰️🌟

"I recently finished a retreat with Francie, and I have to say that my expectations were blown out of the water. This place, the people, and the teachers combine into an unstoppable force that I challenge anyone to experience and not leave feeling like a new person both physically and mentally. Thank you, Francie, for a truly life-enhancing experience. I can’t wait to come back!" - Charlie, UK 🌟🙏

“I struggle with my voice and taking up space in terms of sound - that was my original reason for coming, but then throughout the class, playing being a child again, it really helped me release a weight I've been feeling the past weeks. I realized I haven't laughed in a while so thank you 🥰 it was what I wanted but it also gave me what I needed ( and didn't know). You have a beautiful voice and I wish more people could experience the joy and brightness you exude!” - Helen F 🌟🙏

“Thank you so much for creating a space that feels safe and encourages us to share and get out of that “scary comfort zone”. - Anna K 🌟🙏

Hi! I'm Francie

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